Check out Captain Time's Wavebox Review.

Huge thanks to Garland Coulson, aka Captain Time, for creating this video, which summarises Wavebox's awesome productivity features:


Garland uses Wavebox on Windows to power up his daily workflows.  As a productivity guru, business founder, and virtual assistantpreneur, finding new ways to save time is a top priority—Garland begins the video with this revelation;

"If my browser is my main operating system for for productivity then maybe I should look at what browser I am using"

In the video Garland reviews:

  • Overview tour of the browser layout - spaces, groups, and apps.
  • Tabstrip with pins
  • Benefits of Wavebox for Virtual Assistants
  • Multiple account logins for the same app e.g. for clients
  • Split-screen
  • Dashboards and widgets
  • Brainbox (built-in AI assistant)
  • Notifications, Smart Notes
  • Chrome extensions
  • Lots more!

Is there a browser worth paying for with so many browsers is there one worth paying for and my answer is a resounding yes!

Captain Time uses Wavebox to streamline workflows across Google Workspaces, Perplexity, Facebook, Canva, and Google Calendar, plus all the other apps and websites he needs daily to get work done for home, business, and clients.

Check out the Captain-Time trained virtual assistants at: and connect with Garland:

Not tried Wavebox yet?  Save 2 days per week by using a browser that's built for productivity: