Wavebox Featured on Ubuntu Insights

A big thank you to Ubuntu for featuring Wavebox on Ubuntu Insights! This follows a recent interview with Wavebox Co-Founder Thomas Beverley to discuss Wavebox's recent release of a snap version of the app.

In the interview Lucia de Castro was keen to find out why we decided to create a snap version of Wavebox, and our thoughts on the snap development process.

Read the full interview with Tom on Ubuntu Insights >

Ubuntu is an Open Source Linux operating system. The Ubuntu desktop operating system powers millions of PCs and laptops around the world. A 'snap' is a universal Linux package which works on any distribution or device. Snaps are faster to install, easier to create, safer to run, and they update automatically and transactionally so that the app is always fresh and never broken.

When asked about how Wavebox come across snaps, Tom said:

"When we launched Wavebox for Linux we were only offering a tar version, but we knew it was a bit cumbersome having to re-download it for every update. It had always been our plan to offer an easier download-and-update experience but we weren't sure where to start.Then we found out about snap packages through our users – a few of them opened issues on Github requesting a snap version. So we decided it would be a good choice for us to give it a try. Our aims were to make new releases of Wavebox both easy to update for users, and easy to distribute for us. Snap packages gave us something we could package once and run on different environments, without the hassle of checking which dependencies are and are not installed."

Ubuntu users can download the Wavebox snap from the Ubuntu Store, where it is also featured on the homepage under 'Editor's Picks' or they can use snap install wavebox from the terminal. Thanks again to Ubuntu and Lucia de Castro for their support!

Visit the Ubuntu website to read the full interview.