I genuinely enjoy my work now I've found Wavebox!

Wavebox user Jacob Chencha works as head of product EA for Sokowatch - a scale-up focused on the B2B market, which aims to bring the power of e-commerce to every small-scale retailer in Africa.

To bring this dream to life, Chencha runs a busy schedule ensuring his team stays focused on their users with no day being the same. Working for a growing business means dealing with an onslaught of daily problems, and a discordant set of online tools.

But having recently found Wavebox to help manage all his different web apps, accounts and logins, Jacob finally regained control and re-discovered enjoyment in his work. We learned about his transformation from an amazing review he left on Trustpilot, and we'd love to share it with you...

I consider Wavebox a productivity superpower.

Being a manager means running a jungle of tools from Office software to list management software, and everything in between. I primarily work on Google's suite of products for work and my two personal accounts.

The challenge that I faced was that my work was distributed - not just in different tools but also in multiple accounts. This meant that accessing any piece of information meant I had to carry out at least three steps:

  1. Identify the application that I needed.
  2. Ensure I was on the correct account.
  3. Navigate to the right document/tool.

Sometimes I'd find myself in situations where maybe the account signed off, which also changed the URL,  and so bookmarking didn't work very well for me. Wavebox solves this problem elegantly.

Wavebox weaves together the multitude of task management, communication, planning, and collaboration tools into a truly wonderful, productive experience.

Not only do I have all my apps in an easy-to-access panel, I can have different applications signed into other accounts and neatly separated. Furthermore, I can execute a search across all my accounts, and this has indeed been a game-changer for my productivity.

I would say I have gotten to a point where I genuinely enjoy my work.

Now my choice tools are no longer a hindrance towards me producing value, both for my organization, for my family, and for everyone else who depends on me. Thank you to the team @wavebox.

Thank you Jacob, for taking the time to write such a wonderful review.  We're delighted Wavebox is helping you to make a difference in your work. 🙌🤗

Visit the Sokowatch website to learn more about the organization and the important work they do in Africa.