Take the Tour: WB10 Chromium Work Browser.

Get to know Wavebox 10 by taking this 5 minute tour of the workspace.  See how easy it is to work across all your daily productivity, collaboration, SaaS tools and websites  in our reimagined browser-space.

Wavebox 10 is a welcome solution for everyone who struggles to work efficiently across multiple SaaS tools.

Built on a Chromium foundation, the Wavebox browser brings a much-needed fresh approach to how a browser should look, how it should work, and how busy people should use it.

With Wavebox you can break free from time-consuming tasks such as constant tabbing, and logging-in and out of different accounts - everything stays open and always signed-in!

You'll no longer need to work on apps in isolation, or struggle to bring disparate workflows together. Rather you can enjoy a single seamless and organised workspace where all your favourite web tools live happily side-by-side, and you're always up-to-date, across everything.

Our Chromium-built browser includes a layer of functionality that's missing from Chrome, making it a better choice for daily working in the cloud.  Features you'll discover include a customizable UI, better organisation of your apps and websites, faster workflows, secure and simple multi-account sign-in (sandboxing/profiles) and improved machine performance.

With Wavebox you can stay focused, maintain context, and ultimately work more efficiently and effectively in the cloud.

So why not grab a coffee and take a tour of the Wavebox workspace, then try it out for yourself by taking a 7 day free trial: https://wavebox.io/download.