How can I switch to the Wavebox beta channel?

Wavebox has two main release channels; Stable and Beta. We release updates to the Beta channel more frequently during our development cycle and it lets you play with the newest features and give us early feedback.

Windows and macOS

On macOS and Windows you'll need to download the beta release of Wavebox from the Wavebox beta download page. Install as usual, and from there-on you'll receive beta updates as usual


On Linux you need to change your repo channel so your package manager fetches the beta versions of Wavebox. Depending on how you installed Wavebox decides how to do this...

  • Deb repository: Re-download and install the beta version from the Wavebox beta download. The deb download will automatically update your repo on install.
  • Yum repository: Change the repo you use for updates and re-install your current version of Wavebox
sudo wget -N -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum reinstall Wavebox
  • Zypper repository: Change the repo you use for updates and re-install your current version of Wavebox
sudo wget -N -P /etc/zypp/repos.d/
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper in -f Wavebox