⭐️ New: Colour indicators on tabs for faster workflows.

Power up your group workflows by enabling color indicators in tabs for easier navigation.

⭐️ New: Colour indicators on tabs for faster workflows.

When building workflows in Wavebox, tabs always belong to either an app or a group, depending on where it was opened—this helps to keep things organized and correctly signed in. 🧹

But if you have your group tab strip set to display tabs for 'all apps in a group' then things can start to get a little untidy.......and here at Wavebox, we don't do untidy. Oh no.

So new in this week's release is the option to enable a color indicator on tabs so you can easily spot which parent app they belong to. Handy!

Here's how it works:

  • In the video example, this Social Media Group is set to display tabs just for the app in focus, e.g., Instagram and Pinterest both have 2 tabs each.
  • You can change this setting so that ALL tabs (from all apps) in the group are shown.  Just, right-click on the tab strip and select 'Show tabs in the group.'
  • To be able to tell which tabs belong to which group, go to:  'Settings > Tabs > Show parent group/app color' and toggle ON to enable the app colors.
  • Also, note that the tab tooltip (hover menu) shows the parent app/group at the bottom.
  • To change a group/app border color—not shown in the video—right-click on the icon and select a color from the palette, or right-click and open Settings > App Settings to make the changes there.

With a completely unique navigation system, Wavebox is the only browser to solve the too many tabs problem. Using tabs within tidy group/app workflows, you'll stay organized and more productive.  Happy days!

New to Wavebox? If you use a browser to run your business, you can save 2 days per week by switching to Wavebox for work. https://wavebox.io/download.