5 Fab Facts about Wavebox's New Workspace Widgets.

Our new widgets bring little nuggets of cleverness to your workspaces. From app collections to RSS feeds, you can use them to create faster workflows, keep up-to-date, and share resources with teammates. Widgets have lots to offer, so here are 5 things you need to know about our new widgets:
- Widgets can be resized & repositioned in the workspace by dragging.
- You can use the same widget in multiple workspaces.
- Widgets can be popped out so they float on your desktop.
- You can keep them private or share with your teams.
- Widget contents appear in search results e.g. sticky notes.
1. Widgets can be resized & repositioned.
- Place your mouse at the top of any widget to show the crosshair cursor and then drag your widget to its new position. Note that you can only drag a widget to a space that's of similar size or larger.
- To resize a widget, place your mouse over the bottom right-hand corner of any widget so that you see the arrow cursor, then drag to resize it.
- Note that when moving and resizing, widgets will snap to the grid. You can change the margin between widgets in workspaces Settings (click on the Settings cog in the top right-hand corner of any workspace and look for 'widget spacing').
2. You can use the same widget in multiple workspaces.

The same widgets can be mirrored in multiple workspaces. This means that any edits will be shown in the widget across all the workspaces. There are two ways to place an existing widget in another workspace:
- Go to any workspace and click on the 'Add Widget' button top-right to bring up the Widget Menu. Select the 'Active Widget' tab, and click on the widget you want to add to the workspace.
- Click on the settings cog (top-right) in the widget you want to use. Then place your mouse over the 'Add to workspace' option and choose a workspace from the list. You'll also notice an option to 'Move to workspace' if you want to move it from the current workspace to a different one.
3. Widgets can be popped-out and 'floated' on your desktop.
All widgets can be popped out and placed on your desktop, which is perfect for Sticky Notes, Notifications, and Tasks!
- Click on the 4 square-corner icon in the top right-hand corner of any widget to pop it out, then place your mouse at the top of the widget to drag to reposition it. Note that the widget will remain in the workspace too.
- These floating widgets will remember their position on restart. Make sure that the following option is selected in Settings: General > Start-up > Continue where left off.
- After having fun popping out widgets onto your desktop, you may start to lose them! Not to worry, just click on the magic wand icon in the top title bar (top right) to bring all widgets into focus.
4. Widgets can be shared across teams.

Widgets can easily be shared with your teammates. Note that shared widgets are mirrored, so any edits will be reflected in all the widgets, and anyone in the team who is 'admin' or 'edit' can make changes to it. There are two ways to share a widget with a team:
- Share to the team workspace: Click on the settings cog (top-right) in the widget you want to share. Then place your mouse over the 'Add to workspace' option and choose a shared workspace from the list. The widget will immediately appear in the shared workspace for all teammates.
- Share to the team library: Teammates have the option to add the widget to any of their workspaces by going to 'Add Widget (top-right) > Team Widget (blue tab) > Select the widget.
Tip! To keep up-to-date with activity in the team workspace, use the Team Feed widget to see a real-time list of everything new.
5. Widget contents appear in search results.
One of Wavebox's stand-out features is unified Search, which performs a keyword search across everything in Wavebox - and widgets are no exception. The contents of your sticky notes, tasks, collections (and Smart Notes) are included in the results for both the Quick Switch and Search widget.
Got an idea for a widget? Get in touch via the form on our contact page, use the feature request form in the app or email support(at)wavebox.io. Or share your idea via Twitter, or Facebook etc.