New! Send an instant DM straight from the browser.
Say hello to a more compact Connect drawer, which gives you the full benefit of Connect features without taking up valuable screen space.

Despite a mammoth 🐘 Chromium update, we've still managed to pack some cool new features into this latest release. As well as awesome Connect updates, there are some new tab and pin features to try out, and lots more on the way! (There's a sneak peek at the end of this post). Keep up-to-date: @waveboxio.
🗄️ Compact Connect drawer.
Say hey to a more compact Connect drawer, which gives you all benefits of Connect - chat, calls, screenshare - but in a much smaller space. Click on the Connect icon to launch the drawer in compact mode, then click on the top arrow to expand it to full size.
From the compact drawer you can:
- Click on a team icon to expand it vertically to reveal who's online. Click again to collapse it. Learn more about creating a Connect team in the Knowledge Base.
- Drag team icons up/down to rearrange them.
- Hover over a team icon for quick access to team settings, and to see a list of who's available - this is particularly useful when the team icon is collapsed.
- Hover over a team icon to dive into a team room.
- Hover over any teammate to instantly Connect via DM, voice/audio call, screenshare or file share.
💬 Instant DM, straight from the browser.
Hover over any teammate in the compact drawer to access all Connect options. Type in the message box to send an instant DM to that person, and they can respond to you via Connect in the same way. From the teammate hover-menu you can also:
- Beam a file of any size directly from your desktop to other Connect users. This is securely encrypted desktop-to-desktop file sharing, with no intermediary.
- Start an instant screenshare with other Connect users, without codes or links, and work together across all your shared apps.
- Start a voice or video call with other Connect users, again, without codes or links.
Connect is included in Pro and offers unlimited calls, screen and file sharing. Click on the Connect extension icon to create your first team, or learn more about Connect in the Knowledge Base.
Move App Tabs between groups.
Have you ever opened a tab in an app, but then thought it would be more useful somewhere else? Yep, us too. Now you can now right-click on any main window app tab, click on 'Move tab to group', and then select a group from the list. Once the tab has been moved you can keep it as an app tab, save it as a pin, or add it as a new app to the top toolbar etc. We've also added the option to 'Duplicate tab in new window' so you can work in that tab in a secondary window.
📌 Open all pins in a new window.
If you regularly use pins to save frequently used links, then this feature may be a welcome new addition for you. In just one click, you can now open an app's pins as tabs in a new secondary window. Just go to an app's hover menu, and click on the 'open' icon in the 'Pinned' title. It's sort of like saving a tab session, but using your pins. Very handy!
Want to learn how to save a tab session to a workspace? Read this post.
📸 🦖 Sorry Dino!
It was probably late on a Friday afternoon that we considered this to be a priority, ahem, but if you use the QR code sharing button from any Wavebox window, the QR code now sports a lovely Wavebox logo instead of Google's dinosaur. Why not give it a try...if you have absolutely nothing else to do on a Friday afternoon that is....
🤫🙈 Sneaky-peek of what's coming soon.
When not attending to the very serious business of updating Chromium, fixing bugs, and adding new features, we've also been working on some fun stuff. I've taken a quick photo of my monitor to give you a sneaky peek of what we're working on. All I can say at this point is that you can look forward to revamped workspaces, new UI magic (split screen anyone?), improved cloud-sync, and easier team onboarding.
That's all folks - click here to read the release notes.
🤗🥰 P.S. Thanks for all your feature requests - keep them coming to support(at), and gratitudes to everyone on the Beta channel, who seem to love just trying all this stuff out! Keep up-to-date: @waveboxio.
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