How to save a browser tab session and use it again later.
Whether you're doing some research, or just working through a to-do list, jumping between multiple browser tabs is part of everyone's daily routine.

Whether you're doing some research, or just working through a to-do list, jumping between multiple browser tabs is part of everyone's daily routine.
Wavebox helps you to reduce this reliance on tabs, by replacing them with structure (toolbars and workspaces) and more organized workflows.
But even in Wavebox, there will be times when you suddenly find yourself with a bunch of open tabs in a secondary Wavebox window. So, here are a few simple steps you can follow to save all your tabs in any open window as a session, so you can come back to it later.
1. Open a new window & start browsing.
Launch a new secondary Wavebox window by clicking on the blue globe icon in the title bar or sidebar, and start working across tabs as you normally would. Note that you can also launch a new window by clicking on the burger menu (top-right) and selecting 'New Window', or by creating a keyboard shortcut in Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts > Windows & Tabs.
2. Save the tabs to a workspace.
When you're done browsing in the second window, click on the profile icon next to the address bar and select 'Send all tabs to a workspace' from the pop-up menu. This gives you a list of all your workspaces, so choose the one you want. Wavebox will then take you to that workspace in the main Wavebox window, where you'll see a new folder called 'Untitled'.
3&4. Edit and rename the session.
Right-click on the 'Untitled' folder to bring up the edit menu. From there you can change the name of the folder, and edit the tab names. You can also add more apps and links from your Wavebox library. Click 'Done' when you're finished.
5&6. Open and resume work in the session.
Your new session folder is now ready to use, so just right-click on it to bring up the options menu and then select the 'Open all as tabs in new window'. This opens up all your tabs ready for you to use.
7. Create a new sidebar group from the session.
If you want to make this folder more permanent, you can choose the option to 'Add all to Wavebox as a new sidebar group'. You'll then have an icon in the sidebar to click on, and the tabs will appear as apps in the top toolbar. Now your tabs have all the extra functionality of an app, including unread badges, desktop notifications and pins. They will also appear in any Wavebox searches too.
6. Sharing your session with others.
If you think this folder will be useful to someone else on your team, all you need to do is at it to a shared workspace rather than a private one. Your teammate will then be able to use the folder and save it to their sidebar too, and any changes you make to the folder will be replicated in your teammates folder.