Wavebox is a browser for work that brings all your SaaS apps together in one focused place.  Being Chromium-based, it is loaded with great time-saving features that are tailor made for seamless working across multiple websites.  If you're just starting out with Wavebox, here's a hit list of great features to start using today!

1.App 'home' button.

When you add an app to Wavebox, the initial URL - either from the App Directory, or your 'Any Any Website' link automatically becomes the 'home' for that app. So if you get lost in the wonder web you can quickly return to your home page by clicking the house icon.

2.Right-click 'Add' anything to Wavebox.

If you're happily surfing away in any Wavebox window and come across an app/link you'd like adding,  just right-click (1) anywhere in the window (2) on a specific link, and select 'Open Current Page as New App'.  It will then appear as an icon in the top toolbar for that particular group and become part of your workflow.

4.Set your Wavebox Gmail as your default email.

There are a few steps you can follow to set your Gmail in Wavebox to be your default email.  This means that if you click on an email link in another application, it will open up in the correct app in Wavebox. It just takes a moment to set-up, but there a few steps, so it's best to following this knowledge base article: https://kb.wavebox.io/how-do-i-set-my-gmail-in-wavebox-to-be-my-default-email/

5.Quickly sleep or wake an app.

Need to quickly sleep an app to save memory and work faster? No problem, just right-click on the app and hit 'Sleep'.  This will keep the app asleep until you wake it up, but doesn't over-ride your main settings. (Just do the opposite to quickly wake an app, obvs).

6.Mute notifications.

If you're heading into a meeting, or presenting from your computer, the last thing you need is an unexpected notification. That's easily taken care of by hitting the mute notification bell icon in sidebar (bottom-left) and selecting a set-time or entering your own.  The perfect feature for staying focused when you need to.

7.Open a new window (including an incognito window).

Click on the blue world icon in the sidebar to open a new window.  Secondary windows in Wavebox support tabs, so you can use them as you would a normal browser. If you have a larger monitor, you can use a secondary window alongside the main Wavebox window to quickly navigate between apps. You can also open an incognito window, just as you would in Chrome - right click on the hamburger icon (three lines, top toolbar on the right) and then select 'New Incognito Window'.  A new pop-out incognito window will open n Wavebox.

8.Grab your bookmarks from Chrome.

It's easy to bring your favourite apps and tools into Wavebox to importing your bookmarks from Chrome.  It only takes a minute, but there are a couple of steps to take, so read this Knowledge Base article to learn more: https://kb.wavebox.io/import-your-bookmarks-from-chrome/

9.Explore Chrome extensions.

Wavebox supports all chrome extensions, so why not explore some of the less well known extensions that will boost your productivity. I use the Emoji Keyboard by JoyPixels emoji extension to copy/paste emojis and brighten up my emails and Minimalist Notepad to add notes across all apps.  There's extensions for everything from managing breaks, to changing your Wavebox theme and adding an AdBlocker.  Give them a try!

10.Use pins for navigation.

Every app in Wavebox has a list of recently visited pages/links, which can be found by hovering over the app icon.  To save a page for later, just look for the page under 'recents' then click on the 'pin' icon. This permanently adds it to the pins list for that app. Think of pins as tabs but vertical - but they don't use memory like tabs and you can customize them so they don't look the same! (Click on the pencil icon next to any pin to change its title and upload an icon.)

11.Resize the sidebar

Want to squeeze more apps into the sidebar? No problem - just make them smaller!  Go to: Settings > General > User interface > Sidebar > Sidebar Size.  Choose from Regular, Compact or Tiny.  You can also hide the sidebar icons by clicking on the down arrow, and remove individual icons by going to the same menu in Settings (toggle off notifications, new window help etc).

12.Change your Start-up App

Choose which app you want to see first when you boot up your Wavebox.  Go to your chosen app and right-click on the icon.  Then click on 'Settings' and check the box next to 'Launch App on Start-Up'.  Note: The default start-up app for Wavebox is always the first/top icon in the sidebar.

13.Check your performance

Want to keep an eye on which apps are using the most resources? Simple boot up the Task Manager to see what's going on! Go to: Hamburger Icon (three lines, top-right) > More Tools > Task Manager to open it in a new window.  Leave it open on your desktop to monitor see real-time changes in performance.

14.Import your Passwords

Don't want to sign-in to all your apps when starting Wavebox?  No problem, simply import your passwords from chrome.  It just takes a few steps but it's easier to explain with screenshots, so visit this Knowledge Base article to learn more: https://kb.wavebox.io/how-do-i-import-my-passwords/ You can also use this option to export/import passwords when setting up Wavebox on a new computer.

15.Search using the address bar

Type any keyword into the address bar (in any Wavebox window) and you'll be given a couple of options (1) a list of apps in Wavebox that match the keyword (2) Google search results for that keyword.  Use this in conjunction with hack #2 to add new apps and links to Wavebox.

One more for luck....16.Check for Updates!

We are continuously updating Wavebox with UI changes, new features and fixes.  You'll be prompted in the app when there's an update, but if you're too busy at the time, or forget to do it, you can manually check for updates at any time. Go to: Settings > General > Updates > Check for Updates.