Tips & Tutorials 🔕 Mute Groups and Apps using Focus Mode Zones. Boost your productivity by muting distractions with Focus Mode Zones and stay focused effortlessly.
Features New: Updates for Split Screen, Brainbox Skills and Group Icons. Enhance your daily productivity with these exciting new features and updates.
Tips & Tutorials Masterclass: Become a Wavebox Professional in just 10 minutes! Take the Wavebox Masterclass - a handy guide to help you smoothly navigate our awesome desktop browser.
New Releases ✨ New! Save time when creating Groups and adding apps. Save time when creating new groups, with new app suggestions.
Productivity ✨ New: More Ways to Customize the Tooltip Menus. These handy little guys can be used to keep stuff organized, build workflows, and act as a springboard to start a new task.
Virtual Assistants Check out Captain Time's Wavebox Review. Huge thanks to Garland Coulson, aka Captain Time, for creating this video, which summarises Wavebox's time-saving productivity features.
Features ⭐️ New: Colour indicators on tabs for faster workflows. Power up your group workflows by enabling color indicators in tabs for easier navigation.
Features VAs, Agencies & Consultants. Organize Client Web Apps. Join the thousands of VAs, EAs, agencies, and social media managers worldwide who save time and boost their daily productivity using Wavebox.
Features 🚀 New! Save Valuable Time with Duplicate Group Feature. Save time by creating an identical copy of an existing group in just a few clicks.
New Releases 🔔 New! Unread Badges Update for Custom Web Apps. In this week's release is an update to badge and notification support for boosted tabs and custom apps.
Features 🤖 2023 Reboot! Biometric support for Privacy Lock, Embedded iFrame Widget, and lots more. Last but not least, in this final blog of our 2023 Reboot series, we introduce some awesome new features and improvements.
Features ✨ 2023 Reboot! App Store Revamp, Installer Update, and New Admin Portal. There are so many great features in this week's release we've had to write 3 blog posts about them!