• Click on any avatar under 'People' to connect directly with a person in your team.
  • Type in the message field to start a chat, or click on the phone or video icon in the Connect toolbar to start a call. A desktop notification will be sent to that person to let them know you're contacting them.
  • If you receive a desktop notification, check the Connect panel for an unread badge, and click on the avatar to join them. There may also be a blue phone or video icon to indicate that there is a call in progress.
  • If it's an audio or video call you will see a black rectangle at the top of the screen displaying a green 'Join Call' button so click on it to join the call.
  • You can switch from audio to video at any time during a call.
  • To end an audio or video call, click on the red hangup icon.
  • If you navigate away from the call in the Connect panel e.g. use the back arrow top-left to see who is online or chat to another person, a blue icon will appear next to the red hangup icon - this is a quick link back to your original call location.
  • Notes: Connect chat is intended for throwaway chats.  Up to 100 messages will be saved. The messages field currently supports emojis and attachments.  We are working on further features such as file thumbnails.