What does queued mean in Gmail?
When an email shows as being queued in Gmail, it means that the email is in the process of being sent. Find out why it might be queued

When an email shows as being queued in Gmail, it means that the email is in the process of being sent. Once the email has been sent, the queued state will disappear. Lets' have a look at some of the reasons why an email can end up queued...

Potential Reasons Why Your Email Might Be Queued in Gmail
There are a few reasons why your message might be queued
- Your device might be having trouble connecting to the internet, and it's either waiting for connectivity to return or just taking a little while to send.
- You're sending a lot of messages at once and Gmail is sending them one at a time to avoid overloading the recipient's inbox. In this instance, emails can sometimes take a while to send.
- Your device is running low on space, if you're running low on space and trying to send attachments, you might find a message is queued until your device can free up some more space.
- You're sending a message to a large group of people and Gmail is sending it in batches.
If you're sending lots of emails or just want to power up your Gmail experience you might find a desktop app for Gmail useful.
Try Wavebox to enhance your everyday Gmail
Wavebox is a unique browser that allows you to group your apps (including Gmail) together in one handy sidebar that's always on the screen. Each Gmail app shows an unread badge and notifications, just like the Gmail app you have on your phone.
Wavebox helps you power up your daily workflow, so you can be more productive, give it a try!